Friday, March 14, 2014

Bomoh Buat Lawak Cari Gaduh Dengan Khairy Jamaluddin

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum WBT. Nah amik ni video... tak larat nak gelak dah...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Scammer in Ahmad Zalhaziq

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Assalamualaikum WBT. I just got conned by this man from, selling android phone and never answered afterwards. I lost RM540 to this guy and I believed he has conned a lot more money from the others as well.

Update : I have just lodged a police report yesterday and looking forward to see all the victims conned by him to make the same first step so that we all can take him down. The hard way I guess.

P/S : I will post the copy of my police report later.

Ahmad Zalhaziq

Bank Islam 0303 6020 7819 58

Tel 019-2182364

Tel 017-8759469


Syuraihah Bintu Mohd

CIMB 1205-0006-0772-12

MBB 1624-7824-8203

Tel 019-2182364

Refer to LYN :

Friday, March 07, 2014

Mount MTP Android Device on Linux Crunchbang 11 Waldorf and Debian 7 Wheezy

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I found this post on this blog 

Fully tested on Crunchbang 11 Waldorf 64-bit using Google Nexus 4.

The rest is the post from the said blog :

Today I needed to transfer som pictures from my phone (a Google Nexus 4) to my computer running Crunchbang (based on Debian 7 wheezy). The required packages for this to work has not yet been added to Debian stable to work around this I manually built the required tools from source.

Install required packages
sudo apt-get install libmtp-dev fuse libmtp9 pkg-config libfuse-dev libglib2.0-dev libmad0-dev libid3tag0-dev dh-make autotools-dev

Download source package of mtpfs

Thanks to sdio for pointing out how to use the Debian package tools to create a deb file to install and uninstall instead of doing the traditional ./configure; make; make install.

Untar the archive and then use dh_make to convert the source package in a format used by debian packages:
tar zxf mtpfs-1.1.tar.gz
cd mtpfs-1.1
dh_make -s -f ../mtpfs-1.1.tar.gz

Now build the Deb-file using this command:
fakeroot debian/rules binary

The deb-file will be placed in the same directory as the tar-file, to go upp a directory and install the deb-file:
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i mtpfs_1.1-1_amd64.deb

If you want to uninstall mtpfs then run this command:
sudo dpkg --purge mtpfs

Make sure you are a member of the fuse group so that you are allowed mount filesystems in userspace (You will need to relogin or reboot for the group permissions to take effect):
sudo usermod -aG fuse $USER

Create a directory for mounting the device and mount the the device (Plugin the device first)
mkdir myPhone
mtpfs myPhone

When your done you unmount the phone with this command
fusermount -u myPhone

Janji Khalifah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Ke mana hilang janji dan sumpah setia
Menjadi hamba yang Esa
Walau digoda indah dunia
Mengapa kini hanya tinggal kata-kata
Tenggelam dalam lumpur dosa
Bernafaslah dalam hela syahadah

Tidakkan jatuh langit menimpa kepala
Jua takkan retak hamparan bumi yang enak dipijak
Namun cukup sekali seru pemilikNya
Seluruh semesta menyerah

Sesungguhnya di akhir yang nyata
Setiap nyawa kan kembali padaNya
Dihimpun dihitung semuanya

Semat utuh apa yang diikrar
Tika jasad dihembuskan nyawa
Hanya satu yang disembah, Allah..
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akhbar (oh Ya Allah)
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akhbar (oh Ya Allah)

Tunduk dan pejamkanlah mata
Rasakan getaran kalimahNya
Jadi nadi dalam diri suci

Semat utuh apa yang diikrar
Tika jasad dihembuskan nyawa
Hanya satu yang disembah, Allah..
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akhbar (oh Ya Allah)
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allah Allahu Akhbar (oh Ya Allah)

Ke mana hilang janji dan sumpah setia
Menjadi hamba yang Esa
Walau digoda indah dunia
Mengapa kini hanya tinggal kata-kata
Tenggelam dalam lumpur dosa
Bernafaslah dalam hela syahadah

Tidakkan jatuh langit menimpa kepala
Jua takkan retak hamparan bumi yang enak dipijak
Namun cukup sekali seru pemilikNya
Seluruh semesta menyerah

Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku dan matiku
Untuk Allah Tuhan sekalian alam